Feng et al. 2024. Harmful algal blooms in inland waters
Zepernick et al. 2024 A tale of two blooms: do ecological paradigms for algal bloom success and succession require revisiting?
Luczkovich et al. 2024 Bottom water hypoxia suppresses fish chorusing in estuaries
Zhao et al. 2024 Nitrate sources and transformations in a river-reservoir system: Response to extreme flooding and various land use
Preece et al. 2023 Managing a cyanobacteria harmful algae bloom “hotspot” in the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta, California
Chandra et al. 2023 The Case Study of What Is Controlling the Fabled Water Clarity of Lake Tahoe
Meerhoff et al. 2022 Feedback between climate change and eutrophication: revisiting the allied attack concept and how to strike back
Zhao, Xu, et al. “Meta-analysis reveals cyanotoxins risk across African inland waters.” Journal of Hazardous Materials (2023): 131160.
Peter A Thompson, Hans W Paerl, Lisa Campbell, Kedong Yin, Karlie S McDonald, Tropical cyclones: what are their impacts on phytoplankton ecology?, Journal of Plankton Research, Volume 45, Issue 1, January/February 2023, Pages 180–204
Raphael M. Kudela, Meredith D. A. Howard, Stephen Monismith, Hans W. Paerl. – Status, Trends, and Drivers of Harmful Algal Blooms Along the Freshwater-to-Marine Gradient in the San Francisco Bay–Delta System. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science.
Paerl, H.W. and H. Xu. 2022. Protecting global aquatic resources from the mountains to the sea: growing need for dual nutrient (N and P) input controls along the freshwater-to-marine continuum. Science Bulletin (in press).
Barnard and Paerl 2022 – Using dilution grazing assays to measure size-fractionated phytoplankton mortality rates across the freshwater-to-marine continuum
Plaas et al. 2022 – Harmful cyanobacterial aerosolization dynamics in the airshed of a eutrophic estuary
Zepernick et al. 2022 – Climate change and the aquatic continuum: A cyanobacterial comeback story – Zepernick – Environmental Microbiology Reports
Lu et al. 2022 water research- Cyanophycin accumulated under nitrogen-fluctuating and high-nitrogen conditions facilitates the persistent dominance and blooms of Raphidiopsis raciborskii in tropical waters
Meerhof et al. Inland waters 2022 – Feedback between climate change and eutrophication: revisiting the allied attack concept and how to strike bac
Meerhoff et al. 2022. Feedbacks between climate change and eutrophication: revisiting the allied attack concept and how to strike back, Inland Waters
Hounshell et al. 2022 – Riverine Discharge and Phytoplankton Biomass Control Dissolved and Particulate Organic Matter Dynamics over Spatial and Temporal Scales in the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina
Lu et al. – Cyanophycin accumulated under nitrogen-fluctuating and high-nitrogen conditions facilitates the persistent dominance and blooms of Raphidiopsis raciborskii in tropical waters
Lu et al. J. Hydrology 2022 – Storm and floods increase the duration and extent of phosphorus limitation on algal blooms in a tributary of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
Fang et al. Global Change Biology preprint- 2022 – Fang – Global divergent trends of algal blooms detected by satellite during 1982‐2018
Fang Global Change Biology – 2022 – Fang – Global divergent trends of algal blooms detected by satellite during 1982-2018
Duan Limnology Oceanography – 2021_- Ecological stoichiometry of functional traits in a colonial harmful cyanobacterium
Donis et al LO 2021 – Stratification strength and light climate explain variation in chlorophyll a at the continental scale in a European multilake survey in a heatwave summer
Christensen et al. 2021- Ecosystem-based management for military training, biodiversity, carbon storage and climate resiliency on a complex coastal land/water-scape
Katin et al 2021- Simulating algal dynamics within a Bayesian framework to evaluate controls on estuary productivity
Xu et al l&O 2021- Contributions of external nutrient loading and internal cycling to cyanobacterial bloom dynamics in Lake Taihu, China: Implications for nutrient management
Qin et al., 2021 – Extreme Climate Anomalies Enhancing Cyanobacterial Blooms in Eutrophic Lake Taihu, China
Duan et al.2021 –Ecological stoichiometry of functional traits in a colonial harmful cyanobacterium
Paerl & Crosswell CERF’s Up! -Expanding CERF’s Horizon: Synthesizing Human and Climatic Drivers of Change along the Freshwater to Marine Continuum
Roles of Nutrient Limitation on Western Lake Erie CyanoHAB Toxin Production_Barnard et al. 2021 Toxins
Elevated organic carbon pulses persist in estuarine environment after major storm events_Asmala et al L&O 2020
Shifting states, shifting services: Linking regime shifts to changes in ecosystem services of shallow lakes_Janssen et al fwb. 2020
Plaas and Paerl ES&T cyanotoxin review – 2020
Tackling Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms with Chinese Colleagues: We’re All in the Same Boat – 2020
Mitigating the global expansion of harmful cyanobacterial blooms: Moving targets in a human- and climatically-altered world, Harmful Algae- 2020
Improvement in municipal wastewater treatment alters lake nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in populated regions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA- 2020
The global Microcystis interactome, Limnology and Oceanography- 2020
Perspective: Advancing the research agenda for improving understanding of cyanobacteria in a future of global change, Harmful Algae- 2020
Use of Geospatial, Hydrologic, and Geochemical Modeling to Determine the Influence of Wetland-Derived Organic Matter in Coastal Waters in Response to Extreme Weather Events- Frontiers in Marine Science- 2020
Nutrient addition bioassay and phytoplankton community structure monitored during autumn in Xiangxi Bay of Three Gorges Reservoir, China- Chemosphere- 2020
Nitrogen transformations differentially affect nutrient-limited primary production in lakes of varying trophic state, Limnology and Oceanography Letters- 2019
Feedback Regulation between Aquatic Microorganisms and the Bloom-Forming Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa, Applied and Environmental Microbiology- 2019
Why Lake Taihu continues to be plagued with cyanobacterial blooms through 10 years (2007–2017) efforts- Science Bulletin- 2019
A study of bioavailable phosphorus in the inflowing rivers of Lake Taihu, China- Aquatic Sciences- 2019
Mitigating eutrophication and toxic cyanobacterial blooms in large lakes: The evolution of a dual nutrient (N and P) reduction paradigm- Hydrobiologia- 2019
Climate exerts a greater modulating effect on the phytoplankton community after 2007 in eutrophic Lake Taihu, China: Evidence from 25 years of recordings- Ecological Indicators- 2019
Long-term trends, current status, and transitions of water quality in Chesapeake Bay- Scientific Reports- 2019
Perspective: Advancing the research agenda for improving understanding of cyanobacteria in a future of global change- Harmful Algae- 2019
Recent increase in catastrophic tropical cyclone flooding in coastal North Carolina, USA: Long-term observations suggest a regime shift- Scientific Reports- 2019
Cyanobacteria in eutrophic waters benefit from rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations- Science of the Total Environment-2019
Nutrients, eutrophication and harmful algal blooms along the freshwater to marine continuum- Wires Water-2019
Future HAB science: Directions and challenges in a changing climate- Harmful Algae-2019
Mitigating a global expansion of toxic cyanobacterial blooms, confounding effects and challenges posed by climate change- CSIRO Publishing-2019
Nitrogen fixation does not automatically lead to phosphorus limitation in aquatic ecosystems-OIKOS 2019
Lingering Carbon Cycle Effects of Hurricane Matthew-AGU100 2019
Extreme weather events modulate processing and export of dissolved-Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2019
Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of different forms-Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019
Flood-driven CO2 emissions from adjacent North Carolina estuaries during-Marine Chemistry 2018
Why does N-limitation persist in the world’s marine waters- Marine Chemistry 2018
Two decades of tropical cyclone impacts on North Carolina’s estuarine carbon, nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics implications for biogeochemical cycling and water quality in a stormier world- Biogeochem 2018-
Nitrogen fixation does not axiomatically lead to phosphorus limitation in aquatic ecosystems-Oikos 2018
CO2 limited conditions favor cyanobacteria in a hypereutrophic lake-Limnology and Oceanography 2018
Extreme weather event may induce Microcystis blooms in the Qiantang River, Southeast China-Environmental Science and Pollution 2018
Cyanobacterial Blooms_NatureRM2018_earlyonline
Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins- Toxins 2018.pdf (please send request for this paper)
CyanoHABs along Continuum 2018-Mitigating the Expansion of Harmful Algal Blooms Across the Freshwater-to-Marine Continuum- Environmental Science & Technology 2018
The impact of flooding on aquatic ecosystem services- Biogeochemistry 2018
CO2 limited conditions favor cyanobacteria in a hypereutrophic lake, An empirical and theoretical stable isotope study-Limnology and Oceanography 2018
Watershed-Scale Drivers of Air-Water CO2 Exchanges in Two Lagoonal North Carolina (USA) Estuaries-Journal of Geophysical Research 2018
Eukaryotic phytoplankton community spatiotemporal dynamics as identified through gene expression within a eutrophic estuary-Environmental_Microbiology 2018
Mitigating Toxic Planktonic Cyanobacterial Blooms in Aquatic Ecosystems Facing Increasing Anthropogenic and Climatic Pressures-Toxins 2018
Controlling cyanobacterial harmful blooms in freshwater ecosystems-Microbial Biotechnology 2017
Controlling harmful cyanobacterial blooms in a climatically more extreme world management options and research needs-Journal of Plankton Research 2017
Evidence for the Importance of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Eutrophic Lake Dianchi, China-Environmental Science & Technology 2017
Formation of Low-Molecular-Weight Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Predenitrification Biological Nutrient Removal Systems and Its Impact on Eutrophication in Coastal Waters-Environmental Science & Technology 2017
Stimulation of Phytoplankton Production by Anthropogenic Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in a Coastal Plain Estuary-Environmental Science & Technology 2017
The cyanobacterial nitrogen fixation paradox in natural waters-F1000 Research 2017
The molecular ecology of Microcystis sp. blooms in the San Francisco Estuary-Environmental Microbiology 2017
Allelopathy_Cyanobacteria-Allelopathic interactions of linoleic acid and nitric oxide increase the competitive ability of Microcystis aeruginosa-The ISME Journal 2017
Carbon budget of a shallow, lagoonal estuary Transformations and source-sink dynamics along the river-estuary-ocean continuum-Limnology & Oceanography 2017
Climate Change Impacts on Harmful Algal Blooms in U.S. Freshwaters A Screening-Level Assessment-Environmental Science & Technology 2017
Community Biological Ammonium Demand A Conceptual Model for Cyanobacteria Blooms in Eutrophic Lakes-Environmental Science & Technology 2017
Impacts of Climate Change on Cyanobacteria in Aquatic Environments-Climate Change and Microbial Ecology_chapter_1_2016
It takes two to tango Environmrntal Science & Technology 2016
Long-term nutrient trends and harmful cyanobacterial bloom potential in hypertrophic Lake Taihu, China-Hydrobiologia 2016
Mitigating cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in aquatic ecosystems impacted by climate change and anthropogenic nutrients-Harfmful Algae 2016
Mitigating harmful cyanobacterial blooms strategies for control of nitrogen and phosphorus loads-Aquat Ecol 2016
Molecular insights into a dinoflagellate bloom-The ISME Journal 2016
Moving towards adaptive management of cyanotoxin-impaired water bodies-Microbial_Biotechnology 2016
Predicting Sources of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen to an Estuary from an Agro-Urban Coastal Watershed-Environmental Science & Technology
Variable climatic conditions dominate recent phytoplankton dynamics in Chesapeake Bay-Nature Reports 2016
A review of the Global ecology, genomics and biogeography of the toxic cyanobacterium, Mycrocystis spp.-Harmful Algae 2016
Duelling ‘CyanoHABs’ unravelling the environmental drivers controlling dominance and succession among diazotrophic and non-N2-fixing harmful cyanobacteria-Environmental Microbiology 2016
Dynamic, mechanistic, molecular-level modelling of cyanobacteria Anabaena and nitrogen interaction-Environmental_Microbiology 2016
EffectsofNitrogenAvailabilityandFormon PhytoplanktonGrowthinaEutrophied Estuary(NeuseRiverEstuary,NC,USA)-PLOS one 2016
Extreme Weather Events and Climate Variability Provide a Lens to How Shallow Lakes May Respond to Climate Change-Wtare 2016
Global solutions to regional problems, Collecting global expertise to address the problem of harmful cyanobacterial blooms. A lake Erie case study-Harmful Algae 2016
How rising CO2 and global warming may stimulate harmful cyanobacterial blooms-Harmful algae 2016
Mesozooplankton abundance in relation to the chlorophyll maximum- ECSS 2015
Nutrient limitation dynamics examined on a multi-annual scale in Lake Taihu, China implications for controlling eutrophication and harmful algal blooms-JFE 2015
The persistence of cyanobacterial (Microcystis spp.) blooms throughout winter in Lake Taihu, China- L&O 2015
Vertical spatio-temporal patterns of Phytoplankton due to migration behaviors in two shallow, microtidal estuaries, influence on phytoplankton and structure-ECSS 2015
Controlling Harmful Cyanobacteria Blooms in the Face of Climate Change- Lakeline 2015
Determining Critical Nutrient Thresholds Needed to Control Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms in Eutrophic Lake Taihu, China-ES&T 2015
Harmful Algal Blooms-Freshwater Algae of North America, W&S Chapter 20
Havens and Paerl 2015 ES&T Climate Change Blooms-Climate Change at a Crossroad for Control of Harmful Algal Blooms
Health Effects of Toxic Cyanobacteria in U.S. Drinking and Recreational Waters Our Current Understanding and Proposed Direction-EHR_2015
Long-Term Trends of Nutrients and Phytoplankton in Chesapeake Bay- Chesapeake Trends paper 2015
Effects of Nutrients, Temperature and Their Interactions on Spring Phytoplankton Community Succession in Lake Taihu, China-Plos One 2014
Environmental factors controlling colony formation in blooms of the cyanobacteria Microcystis spp. in Lake Taihu, China- Harmful Algae 2014
Evolving Paradigms and Challenges in Estuarine and Coastal- E&C 2014
Extensive CO2 emissions from shallow coastal waters during passage of Hurricane Irene (August 2011) over the Mid-Atlantic Coast of the U.S.A.-L&O 2014
Green algal over cyanobacterial dominance promoted with nitrogen and phosphorus additions in a mesocosm study at Lake Taihu, China-Environmental Pollution Res 2014
Mitigating Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms in a Human- and Climatically-Impacted World-Life 2014
Optical and chemical characterization of base-extracted particulate- Marine Chemistry 2014
Scientific Bases for Numerical Chlorophyll Criteria- E&C 2014
Seasonal Changes in sturine dissolved organic matter due to variable flushing time and wind-driven mixing events-EC&SS 2014
The role of tropical cyclones in stimulating cyanobacterial (Microcystis spp.) blooms in hyertrophic Lake Taihu- Harmful Algae 2014
When a Hurricane Burps an Estuary-Endeavours 2014
A study of anthropogenic and climatic disturbance of the New River- Marine Pollution Bulletin (83) 2014
Algal blooms Noteworthy nitrogen-Science-2014
Alternative Stable States in Lareg Shallow Lakes-JGLR 2014
Comment on Bachmann et al. (2013) A nonrepresentative sample cannot describe the extent of cultural eutrophication of natural lakes in the United States-L&O 2014
Controlling Cyanobacterial Blooms in Hypertrophic Lake Taihu, China Will Nitrogen Reductions Cause Replacement of Non-N2 Fixing by N2 Fixing Taxa- PLOS One 2014
Earlier and warmer springs increase blooms in Taihu-Freshwater Biology(59) 2014
Response to comments Quantification of the extent of cultural eutrophication of natural lakes in the United States-L&O 2014
Smith et al. 2014 – Comment on Bachmann no eutrophication-Comment Cultural eutrophication of natural lakes in the United States is real and widespread
Growth response of Microcystis spp. to iron enrichment- Hydrobiologia 2013
Hydrologic Variability and Its Control of Phytoplankton- E&C 2013
Blooms Bite the Hand That- Science Perspective 2013
Comment An alternative interpretation of the relationship-NRC Research Press 2013
Estuarine Phytoplankton-estuarine ecology_Ch 4 2013
Air-water CO2 fluxes in the microtidal Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina-Journal of Geophysical Research 2012
Climate Change, Links to Global Expansion of Harmful Bacteria-Water Research 2012
Comment An alternative interpretation of the relationship between TN to TP and Microcystins in Canadian Lakes- NRC Research Press 2012
Composition of inorganic and organic nutrient sources-Aquatic ecology 2012
Effects of climatic variability on phytoplankton community structure and bloom- Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2012
Fluorescence Tracking of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Matter-ES&T 2012
Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms Causes, Consequences,and Controls-Microb Ecology 2012
Non-monotonic Responses of Phytoplankton Biomas Accumulation to Hydrologic Variability; A Comparison of Two Coastal Plain North Carolina Estuaries- E&C 2012
Spatiotemporal Patterns and Ecophysiology of Toxigenic Microcystis Blooms in Lake Taihu, China Implications for Water Quality Management-ES&T 2012
Evaluation of Progress in Achieving TMDL-EM 2012
Allied attack climate change and eutrophication-ISL 2011
China Aims to Turn Tide Against-Taihu Science article 2011
Controlling harmful cyanobacterial blooms in a hyper-eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu, China); The need for a dual nutrient (N&P) management strategy- water research 2011
Controlling harmful cyanobacterial blooms in a world experiencing anthropogenic and climatic-induced change -STOTEN 2011
Determining the potential for the proliferation of the harmful cyanobacterium-Harmful Algae 2011
Facultative diazotrophy increases Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii competitiveness under fluctuating nitrogen availability-FEMSEC 2011
MERIS Retrieval of Water Quality Components in the Turbid Albemarle-Pamlico Sound Estuary, USA-Remote Sensing 2011
Nutrients in precipitation and the phytoplankton responses to enrichment in surface waters of the Albemarle Peninsula,NC, USA after the establishment of a large-scale chicken egg farm-Hydrobiologia-2011
Phylogenetic Inference of Colony Isolates Comprising Seasonal Microcystis Blooms in Lake Taihu, China-ME 2011
Primary Producers Phytoplankton Ecology and Trophic Dynamics-Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal ESCO_Coastal phytoplankton 2011
Rationale for Control of Anthropogenic Nitrogen and Phosphorus to Reduce Eutrophication of Inland Waters- ES&T 2011
Reactive Nitrogen in the United States; An Analysis of Inputs, Flows, Consquenses, and Management Options-EPA Report 2011
Structural and functional responses of microbial mats to reductions in nutient and salinity stressors in a Bahamian hypersaline laggon-Aquat Microb Ecol 2011
The relationships between nutrients, cyanobacterial toxins and the microbial community in Taihu (Lake Taihu), China- Harmful Algae 2011
Vertical migration patterns of phytoflagellates in-MEPS 2011
Assessing the Response of the Pamlico Sound, North Acrolina, USA to Human and Climatic Disturbances management implications- Pamlico Sound Lagoonal Chapter 2
Environmental Dynamics, Community Structure and function in a hypersaline Microbial mat-Microbial Mats 2010
Nitrogen and phosphorus inputs control phytoplankton growth in eutrophic Lake Tahiu, China-L&O 2010
Picophytoplankton A major contributor to planktonic biomass and primary production in a eutrophic, river-dominated esturay.ecss 2010
Throwing Fuel on the Fire; Synergistic Effects of Eccesive Nitrogen Inputs and Global Warming on Harmful Alga; Blooms -EST Viewpoint 2010
A Drinking Water Crisis in Lake Taihu, China; Linkage to Climatic Variability and Lake Management- Environmental Management 2009
Controlling Eutrophication along the Freshwater–Marine Continuum; Dual nutrient (N and P) Reductions are Essential-E&C 2009
Controlling Eutrophication by Reducing Both Nitrogen And Phosphorus-Science 2009
Experimental analysis of the response and recovery of Zostera marina (L.) and Halodule wrightii (Ascher.) to repeated light-limitation stress-Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 369 (2009)
FerryMon; Ferry Based Monitoring and Assesment of Human and Climatically Driven Environmental Change in the Albamarle-Pamlico Sound System-E,S&T 2009
Phytoplankton Community Indicators of Short- and Longterm Longterm Ecological Change in the Anthropogenically and Climatically Impacted Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA- E&C 2009
Blooms Like It Hot- Science
Co-occurrence of dinoflagellate and cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in southwest Florida coastal waters dual nutrient (N and P) input controls-Marine Ecology Progress Series
Ecological Responses of the Neuse River–Pamlico Sound Estuarine Continuum to a Period of Elevated Hurricane Activity; Impacts of Individual Storms and Longer-Term Trends-AFS Symp manuscript
Environmental Factors Contributing to the Development and Demise of a Toxic Dinoflagellate (Karlodinium veneficum) Bloom in a Shallow, Eutrophic, Lagoonal Estuary -E&S2008
Global expansion of harmful cyanobacterial blooms in water supplies due to human development and climate change.- sustainable drinking water symp. 08
Molecular Ecological Aspects of Nitrogen Fixation in the Marine Environment-Microbial Ecology of the Oceans_ch13_2nd
Nitrogen and Marine Eutrophication-Nitrogen in the Environment -chapter 11 2008
Application of Bayesian Structural equation modeling for examining phytoplankton dynamics in the Neuse Rive Estuary (North Carolina, USA)- Esturine Coastal and SHelf Science 2007
Importance of Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Source of Nutrients for the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina-Fear et al., Estuaries & Coasts U2007_30_6_1027_1033
Morphological and Genetic Evidence that the Cyanobacterium-Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2007
Nutrient and other environmental controls of harmful cyanobacterial-ISOCHAB_ch_10_paerl
Phytoplankton Indicators of Ecological Change in the Eutrophying Pamlico Sound System, NorthCarolina-ecological applications 07